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Drug Testing - HAIR
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When the annual cost of employing a substance abuser can exceed $7,000. companies need a superior line of defense to ensure they do not hire a substance abuser.

PROBLEM: Substance abusers mayb abstain from drug use 3-5 days prior to applying for a new job. Once they have been hired they begin drug use again.

SOLUTION: Companies can implement Pre-Employment Hair Drug Testing and examine a 90 day window of past drug use. Drug users typically will not discontinue their drug habit for a 3 month period.

Analyzing urine for drug and metabolites typically provides a shorter time period during which these traces may be detected after the last ingestion or use. This time period of detectability may be as short as 12 hours (for LSD, for example) or as long as 30 days (for a chronic marijuana user), but in general traces of most drugs are detectable only within 3 to 5 days of the last use.

Hair serves as a repository for drugs, metabolites, vitamins, heavy metals and other substances delivered by the blood to the hair root. These substances are principally deposited in the internal portion of the hair, known as the cortex. This keratinized cortex comprises the bulk of the hair mass. The outside covering of the hair, known as the cuticle, generally protects the cortex and helps make the hair an extrememly tough and durable natural fiber.

Unlike blood and urine, hair represents a more lengthy record of drug exposure. The average rate of growth for head hair is about 1.3 cm (or 1/2 inch) per month. A standard screen covers a period of approximately 90 days. The hair sample is cut as close to the scalp as possible and the most recent 1.5 inches are tested.

Hair Drug Testing for Pre-Employment

Hair Drug Testing for Legal(No Tolerance) purposes requires both Hair and Urine to be collected and tested

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